Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences, Niigata University


Recommendation of Field Research

What is the Field Resarch in Environmental Sciences?

This is a new cross-faculty program in which faculty members from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Agriculture collaborate in teaching and practical training. Our program consists of three core pillars; "Ecology" includes ecology, reforestation, and conservation; "Environmental Dynamics" includes oceanography, meteorology, geomorphology, and geology; "Disaster Science" includes natural disaster science, erosion control, and disaster prevention. A variety of field science courses and practical training are provided across these fields. Through studying our wealth of subjects and practical field experiences, students will acquire the scientific knowledge and practical skills necessary to solve problems in various outdoor situations.

What are the recommendation points?

Students can take courses related to field science in the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Agriculture. Students can acquire advanced specialized knowledge and techniques related to field science and the practical skills to apply them in the field.

What are the characteristics of education?

Students can acquire broad knowledge and literacy from basic sciences such as ecology, marine science, meteorology, topography, and geology to applied sciences such as wild plant and wildlife ecology, reforestation and conservation, erosion control, and remote sensing across fields of science and agriculture. Also, lectures related to slope disaster prevention and snow and ice disaster prevention are provided by Research Institute for Natural Hazards and Disaster Recovery. Field training courses conducted by Sado Island Center for Ecological Sustainability, Research Station for Toki and Ecological Restoration, and Marine Biological Station give further field experiences to students.

What are the characteristics of education?

Research activities are available in the fields of science and agriculture, as well as in the laboratories of related research institutes. The program provides opportunities for long-term biological and environmental research/monitoring and more practical research through collaboration with Sado Island Center for Ecological Sustainability and Research Institute for Natural Hazards and Disaster Recovery.
